Coins of European countries - catalog and price guide
- European coins
- Achaia
- Andorra
- Albania
- Alderney
- Athens
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Byzantium
- Bohemia
- Bohemia & Moravia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Bulgaria commemorative coins
- Courland and Semigallia
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech
- Czechoslovakia
- Dalmatia and Albania
- Denmark
- Dorpat
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
French States
- Angouleme
- Aquitaine
- Albi
- Anjou
- Arches and Charleville
- Auxonne
- Bearn
- Besancon
- Boisbelle and Henrichemont
- Bourbonnais
- Burgundy
- Cambrai
- Champagne.
- Chartres
- Chateau-Regnault
- Clermont
- Comtat Venaissin (Avignon)
- Dauphine
- Dombes
- Franche-Comte
- Gien
- Kahors
- Lorraine
- Lyon
- Maine
- Meaux
- Melgueil
- Metz
- Navarra
- Neufchateau
- Orange
- Penthievre
- Poitou
- Provence
- Sedan
- Strasbourg
- Toulouse
- Tours
- Valence
- Vienne
- Kingdom before 1560
- Charles IX (1560-1574)
- Henry III (1574-1589)
- Catholic League (1589-1596)
- Henry IV (1589-1610)
- Louis XIII (1610-1643)
- Louis XIV (1643-1715)
- Louis XV (1715-1774)
- Louis XVI (1774-1793)
- Republic and Consulate of Napoleon (1793-1804)
- Napoleon I (1804-1814)
- Louis XVIII (1815-1824)
- Charles X (1824-1830)
- Louis Philippe I (1830-1848)
- Second Republic (1848-1852)
- Napoleon III (1852-1870)
- Third Republic (1870-1940)
- Vichy and occupation
- Fourth Republic (1946-1958)
- Fifth Republic
- All circulation coins since 1870
French States
- German States
- Aachen
- Anhalt
- Augsburg
- Baden
- Bamberg
- Bavaria
- Bocholt
- Brandenburg
- Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Bayreuth
- Bremen
- Brunswick city
- Brunswick-Luneburg-Calenberg
- Brunswick-Luneburg-Celle
- Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel
- Coesfeld
- Cologne
- Constance
- Corvey
- Dortmund
- East Friesland
- Einbeck
- Emden
- Erfurt
- Frankfurt am Main
- Friedberg
- Fulda
- Goslar
- Halberstadt
- Hamburg
- Hameln
- Hamm
- Hanau
- Hanover
- Hessen
- Hildesheim
- Isny
- Julich-Cleves-Mark-Berg
- Kempten
- Leiningen-Westerburg
- Lindau
- Lippe-Detmold
- Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort
- Lubeck
- Luneburg
- Magdeburg
- Mainz
- Mainz, Hesse-Darmshtadt, Nassau-Saarbruken and Frankfurt - joint coinage
- Mansfeld
- Marsberg
- Mecklenburg
- Meissen
- Minden
- Munster
- Nassau
- Nordlingen
- Northeim
- Nuremberg
- Oettingen
- Oldenburg
- Osnabrück
- Paderborn
- Passau
- Pfalz
- Pomerania
- Prussia Eastern
- Prussian kingdom
- Regensburg
- Rostock
- Saxon States
- Saxony
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Schaumburg
- Schwäbisch Hall
- Solms-Liech
- Stralsund
- Trier
- Ulm
- Waldeck and Pyrmont
- Westphalia
- Wied-Runkel
- Wismar
- Worms
- Wurttemberg
- Würzburg
- Empire (1871-1918)
- Eastern Territories
- Weimar Republic (1919-1933)
- Third Reich (1933-1945)
- DDR (1949-1990)
- Gibraltar
- Great Britain
- England (before 1707)
- George I (1714-1727)
- George II (1727-1760)
- George III (1760-1820)
- George IV (1820-1830)
- William IV (1830-1837)
- Victoria (1837-1901)
- Edward VII (1901-1910)
- George V (1910-1936)
- George VI (1936-1952)
- Elizabeth II pre-decimal coinage (1952-1967)
- Elizabeth II decimal coinage (1968-2022)
- Charles III (since 2022)
- Greece
- Guernsey
- Hungarian Kingdom
- Hungarian Republic
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Jersey
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania Duchy
- Lithuania Republic
- Livonia
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Man Isle
- Moldavia
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Polish States
- Kingdom (1025-1569)
- Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795)
- South Prussia (1793–1807)
- Grand Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815)
- Congress Poland (1815-1915)
- German occupation 1915-1918
- Second Republic (1918-1939)
- German occupation 1939-1944
- People's Republic (1947-1989)
- Third Republic (since 1989)
- Portugal
- Portugal commemorative coins
- Ragusa
- Reval
- Riga
- Romania
- Russia
- Saarland
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Scotland
- Slavonia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spanish States
- Philip II (1556-1598)
- Philip III (1598-1621)
- Philip IV (1621-1665)
- Charles II - Philip V - Luis I - Ferdinand VI - Charles III - Joseph Napoleon (1665-1818)
- Ferdinand VII (1813-1833)
- Isabella II (1833-1868)
- Provisional Government (1868-1871) and Amadeo I (1871-1873)
- Alfonso XII (1874-1885)
- Alfonso XIII (1886-1931)
- Republic (1931-1939)
- Franco (1939-1975)
- Juan Carlos I - Pesetas (1975-2001)
- Commemorative Pesetas
- Spitsbergen
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Transylvania
- Transnistria
- Ukraine
- Ukraine - commemorative coins
- Vatican
- Yugoslavia
- German States
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