Previous - Coins of Alfonso XIII
Coins of Spanish Republic - catalog with values
Republic of Spain (1931-1939)
Spanish Peseta=100 centimos

1 peseta 1933
UNA PESETA / Crowned shield flanked by pillars with banner
REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA / 1933 / Seated figure holding sprig
~ 15-20 USD

1 peseta 1937
1 PESETA 1937 / Value and grapes on vine
~ 3-5 USD

50 centimos 1937
50 CENTIMOS / Value within beaded circle
REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA / 1937 / Seated figure holding sprig
~ 3-5 USD

25 centimos 1934
25 CENTIMOS / Value above oat sprig and gear, hole in center
REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA / 1934 / Bust right holding sprig, hole in center
~ 2-3 USD

25 centimos 1937
25 CTS / Crowned coat of arms to the left of the central hole, spike to the right
ESPAÑA VNA GRANDE LIBRE / 1937 II ANO TRIVNFAL / A bunch of arrows to the right of the center hole
~ 2-4 USD

25 centimos 1938
25 CTS / Value and center hole divide sprigs
REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA / 1938 / Chain links around center hole
~ 8-10 USD

5 centimos 1937
5 CENTIMOS / Value and date within wreath
REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA / 1937 / Head left
~ 4-7 USD
Next - Coins of Nationalist Government
Other Spanish coins
Charles II - Philip V - Luis I - Ferdinand VI - Charles III - Joseph Napoleon (1665-1818)
Provisional Government (1868-1871) and Amadeo I (1871-1873)
Juan Carlos I - Pesetas (1975-2001)
Juan Carlos I - Euro (2002-2014)
Costs of Republic of Spain coins in this catalog approximate and indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture.
I do not buy or sell coins - this is just a catalog.