Aquitaine coins catalog with values online
Duchy of Aquitaine
Since the 6th century, Aquitaine had been a kingdom or a duchy, but in those times of general unrest, it was not seriously considered a state. In 962 King Lothair recognized Guillaume I Patlatoy, Count of Poitiers, as Duke of Aquitaine. In 1058 the Duchy of Gascony was annexed to Aquitaine. In 1152 Alienora of Aquitaine married Count Henry of Anjou, who in 1154 became King Henry II of England and Aquitaine came under the rule of the English kings. In 1453 the duchy was annexed to France.
William X the Saint (1127-1137)
Guillaume X (1099-1137) son of Guillaume IX Troubadour, Duke of Aquitaine and Gascony and his second wife, Philippa of Toulouse.
Chroniclers note Guillaume's excellent education - a great rarity at a time when even a merely literate person was not easy to find. In the church schism of 1130, Guillaume supported the antipope Anacletus II and, after the defeat of his protégé, had to choose, as penance, a pilgrimage, either to Rome or to Santiago de Compostella. Choosing Spain, he went there in 1137, but died on the way, either having drunk "bad water" or having been poisoned by stale food.
His heiress, the famous Alienora of Aquitaine, remained in the care of King Louis VI. Subsequently, she became the wife of successively King Louis VII of France and King Henry II of England, as well as the mother of Richard the Lionheart and John Landless. The English kings' claims to Aquitaine were based precisely on the fact that Alienora was a legitimate duchess and her children were dukes of Aquitaine. The French kings, of course, did not agree with this, which became the cause of the Hundred Years' War.
denier no date
Value - 25-35 USD
Edward, the Black Prince (1362-1375)
Edward (1330-1376) was the eldest son of King Edward III of England and Philippa Hennegau.
In 1337 Edward III, at the instigation of the French refugee Robert d'Artois, began a war with France, which later became known as the Hundred Years' War.
In 1346, the sixteen-year-old heir to the throne participated in the campaign of Edward III in Normandy, where he was knighted and since then has been constantly fighting. According to the canonical version of the nickname he was given for the black color of his armor, although the inhabitants of the ravaged areas of France, probably could offer another interpretation of the word "Black". At the Battle of Crécy (1346) Edward commanded the right flank of the English army. At the Battle of Poitiers (1356), which ended with another defeat of the French army and the capture of King John II, he was already at the head of an independent army.
In 1362, on the occasion of his son's marriage, Edward III gave him all his possessions in southern France and the title of Duke of Aquitaine. In 1363 Edward and Joan settled in Gascony (in Bordeaux). This did not bring them much popularity. The locals were not against English rule when the English were far across the sea, but the constant presence of the ruler in the capital did not cause much enthusiasm, especially since Edward appointed mostly Englishmen to the main posts in the administration.
In 1367, faithful to the spirit of chivalry (and also, for the promised money and territories) Edward led an army to help the deposed King of Castile Pedro Cruel. Enrique Trastamara's army and French mercenaries under the command of Dugueclain were defeated, but in the unaccustomed climate the army thinned considerably and the prince himself began to have health problems (the illness is believed to have been amoebic dysentery, from which Edward never recovered). In order to replenish the treasury, devastated by the cost of the Spanish campaign (he never received the promised money), Edward greatly increased taxes, which caused legitimate resentment of the Aquitanians. The Aquitanian Count d'Armagnac appealed for help to the French king Charles V, and the latter declared the English possessions in France illegal. In 1369, the war resumed. Edward had difficulty in holding Aquitaine, which was in revolt. In 1371 the prince, already gravely ill, returned to England, leaving Gascony to his younger brother John of Gaunt.
In 1376 Edward died without becoming King of England.
hardi (3 denier) no date
Value - 40-60 USD
Charles II Duke of Berry (1469-1472)
Younger brother of King Louis XI. He actively participated in the feudal wars against the king. Aquitaine was given as a replacement for Champagne, which was annexed to the royal domain after Louis' victory. He died at the age of 25, leaving no heirs.
hardi (3 denier) no date
Value - 40-60 USD
Other coins of French Feudalist
Coins of Aquitaine in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The cost of the coin is approximate and is indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture. You can use this price to evaluate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as the state of preservation and the date of minting. The cost of coins of the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving copies.
Coins of Aquitaine presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.