Index » World coins » Europe » Spain » Provisional Government (1868-1871) and Amadeo I (1871-1873)


Spain 1868-1873 coins catalog with values online

Kingdom of Spain (1479-1873)

Provisional Government (1868-1871)

Peseta=100 centimos

coin Spain 5 pesetas 1870
5 pesetas 1870 (1869-1970)

5 PESETAS / LEI 900 MILESIMAS 40 PIEZAS EN KILOG / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1870 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 40-50 USD



coin Spain 2 pesetas 1870
2 pesetas 1870 (1869-1970)

2 PESETAS / 100 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1870 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 10-15 USD



coin Spain 1 peseta 1869
1 peseta 1869

UNA PESETA / 200 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
GOBIERNO PROVISIONAL 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 30-40 USD


coin Spain 1 peseta 1870
1 peseta 1870 (1869-1970)

UNA PESETA / 200 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 8-12 USD



coin Spain 50 centimos 1869
50 centimos 1869 (1869-1970)

50 CENT. / 400 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 30-40 USD



coin Spain 10 centimos 1870
10 centimos 1870

DIEZ CENTIMOS / CIEN PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
DIEZ GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 8-12 USD



coin Spain 5 centimos 1870
5 centimos 1870

CINCO CENTIMOS / DOSCIENTOS PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
CINCO GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 5-8 USD



coin Spain 2 centimos 1870
2 centimos 1870

DOS CENTIMOS / QUINIENTOS PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
DOS GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 3-5 USD



coin Spain 1 centimo 1870
1 centimo 1870

UN CENTIMO / MIL PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
UN GRAMO / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 3-5 USD



Amadeo I (1871-1873)

coin Spain 5 pesetas 1871
5 pesetas 1871

5 PESETAS / LEI 900 MILESIMAS 40 PIEZAS EN KILOG / Crowned arms with pillars
AMADEO I REY DE ESPAÑA / 1871 / Head left
Coin value - 30-40 USD





Other Spanish coins

Philip II (1556-1598)

Philip III (1598-1621)

Philip IV (1621-1665)

Charles II - Philip V - Luis I - Ferdinand VI - Charles III - Joseph Napoleon (1665-1818)

Ferdinand VII (1813-1833)

Isabella II (1833-1868)

Alfonso XII (1874-1885)

Alfonso XIII (1886-1931)

Spanish Republic (1931-1939)

Francisco Franco (1939-1975)

Juan Carlos I - Pesetas (1975-2001)

Commemorative Pesetas

Juan Carlos I - Euro (2002-2014)

Philip VI (since 2014)



Costs of Spain 1868-1873 coins in this catalog approximate and indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture.
I do not buy or sell coins - this is just a catalog.