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Spain 1868-1873 coins catalog with values online
Kingdom of Spain (1479-1873)
Provisional Government (1868-1871)
Peseta=100 centimos

5 pesetas 1870 (1869-1970)
5 PESETAS / LEI 900 MILESIMAS 40 PIEZAS EN KILOG / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1870 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 40-50 USD

2 pesetas 1870 (1869-1970)
2 PESETAS / 100 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1870 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 10-15 USD

1 peseta 1869
UNA PESETA / 200 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
GOBIERNO PROVISIONAL 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 30-40 USD

1 peseta 1870 (1869-1970)
UNA PESETA / 200 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 8-12 USD

50 centimos 1869 (1869-1970)
50 CENT. / 400 PIEZAS EN KILOGRAMO / Crowned arms with pillars
ESPAÑA 1869 / Seated Liberty
Coin value - 30-40 USD

10 centimos 1870
DIEZ CENTIMOS / CIEN PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
DIEZ GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 8-12 USD

5 centimos 1870
CINCO CENTIMOS / DOSCIENTOS PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
CINCO GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 5-8 USD

2 centimos 1870
DOS CENTIMOS / QUINIENTOS PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
DOS GRAMOS / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 3-5 USD

1 centimo 1870
UN CENTIMO / MIL PIEZAS EN KILOG / Rampant lion, oval arms within beaded circle
UN GRAMO / 1870 / Seated Liberty within beaded circle
Coin value - 3-5 USD
Amadeo I (1871-1873)

5 pesetas 1871
5 PESETAS / LEI 900 MILESIMAS 40 PIEZAS EN KILOG / Crowned arms with pillars
AMADEO I REY DE ESPAÑA / 1871 / Head left
Coin value - 30-40 USD
Next - Coins of Alfonso XII
Other Spanish coins
Charles II - Philip V - Luis I - Ferdinand VI - Charles III - Joseph Napoleon (1665-1818)
Juan Carlos I - Pesetas (1975-2001)
Juan Carlos I - Euro (2002-2014)
Coins of Spain 1868-1873 in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The value of the coins is approximate. Most often, it is simply the price for which I once bought this particular coin. You can use it to estimate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as condition and minting date. The price of coins of even the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving examples.
Coins of Spain 1868-1873 presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.