Aquileia coins catalog with values online

Patriarchate of Aquileia

The bishops of Aquileia, the center of Northern Italy and Illyria, who believed that their diocese had been founded by St. Mark, began calling themselves patriarchs in the fifth century. Aquileia, being the border between the Latin and Constantinople rites, had parishes of both rites under its jurisdiction.

In 553 a number of Northern Italian bishops, led by Patriarch Macedonius, declared their autocephaly. Already the next patriarch (because of the ruin of Aquileia) in 568 moved his residence to the neighboring town of Grado. Within the patriarchate there was a factional struggle between the Latin and Eastern factions, which sometimes led to the election of two opposing patriarchs (in this list the patriarchs of the Eastern faction are called anti-patriarchs).

In 607 the patriarchate was reunited with the Roman Church, but some Lombard bishops opposed this decision and elected a new patriarch, whose seat was again Aquileia. The schism was ended by a council in 700 and Aquileia joined the Catholic Church. However, both lines continued to use the title of patriarch, Aquileia and Aquileia-Grado.

After an earthquake destroyed the city of Aquileia in 1348 the patriarchal throne was moved again, this time to the city of Udino. From the eleventh century until 1420, the patriarchs of Aquileia were also the secular rulers of the city and districts, and under them the city flourished. In 1420 its entire territory was conquered by Venice (and the patriarchal throne was again transferred to Aquileia). The patriarchate fell completely under the influence of the Venetian Republic and its head was chosen only from among the citizens of Serenissima. Finally in 1752 the patriarchate of Aquileia was destroyed, divided into two ordinary dioceses. Nevertheless, even now the Bishop of Venice bears the title of Patriarch of Aquileia.



Grosso=4 denari

Antonio II Panchiera (1402-1412)

coin Aquileia denar no date (1402-1412)
denar no date

Coin value - 30-40 USD





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Coins of Aquileia in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The cost of the coin is approximate and is indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture. You can use this price to evaluate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as the state of preservation and the date of minting. The cost of coins of the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving copies.
Coins of Aquileia presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.