Index » World coins » Asia » Israel


Coins of Israel - catalog and price guide

Israel was founded in 1948 as a result of the partition of the British Mandate in Palestine, formed in 1919.

Before World War I, historical Palestine (also included the territory of modern Jordan) was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.



Monetary systems and coins

Palestine pound = 1000 mils (1927-1948)

Palestine coin 100 mils 1927

Palestinian 100 mils


Until 1927, the Egyptian pound was used in Palestine.
More details in the catalog of Palestinian coins.



Israeli pound = 1000 mils (1948-1951)

coin israel 25 mils 1949

Israeli 25 mils


See Prutah coins in Israel



Israeli Lira = 1000 Pruta (1949-1957)

coin israel 500 prutah 1949

Israeli 500 prutah


More details in the catalog of Israeli coins 1948-1957.



Israeli Lira=100 agorot (1960-1979)

coin israel 5 lira 1978

Israeli 5 lira


More details - in the catalog of Israeli coins 1960-1979.



Israeli Sheqel = 100 agorot (1980-1984)

coin israel 100 sheqels 1984

Israeli 100 sheqels


For more information, see the catalog of Israeli coins since 1980.



New Israeli Sheqel = 100 agorot (since 1985)

coin israel 10 new sheqels 1998

10 new sheqels


More details - in the catalog of modern coins of Israel.



Jubilee (commemorative) coins

Commemorative Liras

The first Israeli commemorative coins were issued in 1958 - 1 lira dedicated to Hanukkah (the annual festival of the purification of the Temple) and 5 lira for the 10th anniversary of independence.
coin israel 1 lira 1958

Commemorative 1 lira 1958


Years of issue of the first commemorative liras


The series of jubilee coins 1 and 1/2 lira, 25, 10, 5, 1 agora 1973 (25th anniversary of Independence) and 1980 (25 years of the Bank of Israel) were distributed only in sets.

More details - in catalog of commemorative liras.


Commemorative Sheqels

Years of issue of the first commemorative sheqels and  new sheqels


For more details, see the catalogue of commemorative sheqels.



Annual coin sets

The coins distributed by the Bank of Israel in the annual sets of 1958-1979 differed from the coins of the regular mintage by the presence of the Star of David on the obverse (in different places, depending on the denomination).

coin israel 25 agora 1971

25 agorot from the set - the Star of David to the right of the Menorah


Since 1994, coins in sets have been distinguished by the presence of a menorah on the reverse.

coin israel 10 agora 1993 

10 agoras from the set - menorah above the denomination


For more details, see the coin sets catalogue.


All coins of Israel of regular minting on one page