Jordan coins online catalog with values

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

 Jordanian Dinar=100 piastres (qirsh); Dinar=1000 fils

Abdullah I (1946-1951)

coin Jordan 100 fils 1949
100 fils 1949

100 / ONE HUNDRED FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368100 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 2-3 USD



coin Jordan 50 fils 1949
50 fils 1949

50 / FIFTY FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 50 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 20 fils 1949
20 fils 1949

20 / TWENTY FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 20 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 10 fils 1949
10 fils 1949

10 / TEN FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 10 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-3 USD



coin Jordan 5 fils 1949
5 fils 1949

5 / FIVE FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 5 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 2-4 USD



coin Jordan 1 fil 1949
1 fil 1949

1 / ONE FIL / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 1 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 50-100 USD


coin Jordan 1 fils 1949
1 fils 1949

1 / ONE FILS / 1949 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1368 1 1949 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 20-30 USD



Hussein (1952-1999)

coin Jordan 1 dinar 1997
1 dinar 1997 (1996-1997)

circulation coinage
1 / ONE DINAR 1997-1417 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value in circle within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 7-8 USD


coin Jordan 1 dinar 1998
1 dinar 1998

circulation coinage
1 / ONE DINAR 1998 1418 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value in circle within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 3-4 USD



coin Jordan 1 dinar 1985
1 dinar 1985

commemorative coin
King Hussein's 50th Birthday
DINAR 1 / 1406 1985 / Crowned sun within 3/4 wreath flanked by dates
THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Head right within beaded circle
Value - 12-17 USD


coin Jordan 1 dinar 1995
1 dinar 1995

commemorative coin
50th Anniversary of FAO
FAO / ONE DINAR 1995 1415 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / F.A.O. logo within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 3-4 USD



coin Jordan 1/2 dinar 1996
1/2 dinar 1996

circulation coinage
1/2 / HALF DINAR 1996 1416 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value in circle within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 5-10 USD


coin Jordan 1/2 dinar 1997
1/2 dinar 1997

bi-metallic - copper-nickel/aluminium-bronze
circulation coinage
1/2 / HALF DINAR 1997 1417 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value in circle within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 2-3 USD



coin Jordan 1/2 dinar 1980
1/2 dinar 1980

1400th Anniversary of Hijra (Mohammed’s Pilgrimage)
HALF DINAR / 1980 1400 / Two mosques under the sun's rays in a circle framed by a branch on the left
Value - 5-7 USD



coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 1974
1/4 dinar 1974 (1970-1975)

circulation coinage
QUARTER DINAR / 1974 1394 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Date below olive tree within circledwreath
Head right
Value - 8-12 USD


coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 1981
1/4 dinar 1981 (1978-1985)

circulation coinage
QUARTER DINAR / 1981 1401 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Date below olive tree within circledwreath
Head right
Value - 5-8 USD


coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 1996
1/4 dinar 1996 (1996-1997)

circulation coinage
1/4 / QUARTER DINAR 1996 1416 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value in circle within artistic design
Bust left
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 1969
1/4 dinar 1969

commemorative coin
F.A.O. / QUARTER DINAR / 1969 1389 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Date below olive tree within circledwreath
Head right
Value - 4-6 USD


coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 1977
1/4 dinar 1977

commemorative coin
25th Anniversary of Reign
1977-1952 / Head facing 1/4 right within smallcircle flanked by sprig, all within design with crown on top
Value - 5-7 USD



coin Jordan 100 fils 1962
100 fils 1962 (1955-1965)

100 / ONE HUNDRED FILS / 1962 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1387 100 1962 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 3-4 USD


coin Jordan 100 fils 1975
100 fils 1975 (1968-1977)

ONE HUNDRED FILS / 1975-1395 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - ~1 USD


coin Jordan 100 fils 1989
100 fils 1989 (1978-1991)

ONE HUNDRED FILS / 1989-1409 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - ~1 USD



coin Jordan 10 piastres 1996
10 piastres 1996 (1992-1996)

nickel plated steel
10 / TEN PIASTRES / 1416-1996 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Bust left
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 50 fils 1955
50 fils 1955 (1955-1965)

50 / FIRTY FILS / 1955 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1374 50 1955 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-2 USD


coin Jordan 50 fils 1975
50 fils 1975 (1968-1977)

FIRTY FILS / 1975-1395 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - ~1 USD


coin Jordan 50 fils 1991
50 fils 1991 (1978-1991)

FIRTY FILS / 1991-1411 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - ~1 USD



coin Jordan 5 piastres 1993
5 piastres 1993 (1992-1998)

nickel plated steel
5 / FIVE PIASTRES / 1414-1993 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Bust left
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 25 fils 1975
25 fils 1975 (1968-1977)

TWENTY FIVE FILS / 1975-1395 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 1-2 USD


coin Jordan 25 fils 1981
25 fils 1981 (1978-1991)

TWENTY FIVE FILS / 1981-1401 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 2 1/2 piasters 1996
2.5 piastres 1996 (1992-1996)

stainless steel
2 1/2 / TWO AND HALF PIASTRES / 1416-1996 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Bust left
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 20 fils 1965
20 fils 1965 (1964-1965)

20 / TWENTY FILS / 1964 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1385 20 1964 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 100-200 USD



coin Jordan 10 fils 1955
10 fils 1955 (1955-1967)

10 / TEN FILS / 1955 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1374 50 1955 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-2 USD


coin Jordan 10 fils 1974
10 fils 1974 (1968-1975)

TEN FILS / 1974-1394 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 1-3 USD


coin Jordan 10 fils 1978
10 fils 1978 (1978-1989)

TEN FILS / 1978-1398 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 1 qirsh 1994
1 qirsh 1994 (1994-1996)

copper plated steel
1 / ONE QIRSH / 1414-1994 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Bust left
Value - 1-2 USD



coin Jordan 5 fils 1964
5 fils 1964 (1955-1967)

5 / FIVE FILS / 1964 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1389 5 1964 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 1-2 USD


coin Jordan 5 fils 1974
5 fils 1974 (1968-1975)

FIVE FILS / 1974-1394 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 1-2 USD


coin Jordan 5 fils 1978

5 fils 1978 (1978-1985)

FIVE FILS / 1978-1398 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 1/2 qirsh 1996
1/2 qirsh 1996

copper plated steel
1/2 / HALF QIRSH / 1416-1996 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Bust left
Value - 2-3 USD



coin Jordan 1 fils 1965
1 fils 1965 (1955-1965)

1 / ONE FILS / 1965 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value within circle above date
1385 1 1965 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Value - 7-10 USD


coin Jordan 1 fils 1968
1 fils 1968

ONE FILS THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / 1968-1387 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 30-50 USD


coin Jordan 1 fils 1984
1 fils 1984 (1978-1985)

ONE FILS THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / 1984-1404 / Value and date within crowned circle within sprigs
Head right
Value - 10-20 USD



Abdullah II (since 1999)

coin Jordan 1/2 dinar 2000
1/2 dinar 2000 (2000- )

bi-metallic -copper-nickel/aluminium-bronze
Value - 2-3 USD



coin Jordan 1/4 dinar 2004
1/4 dinar 2004 (2004- )

Value - 2-3 USD



coin Jordan 10 piastres 2000
10 piastres 2000 (2000- )

nickel plated steel
10 / TEN PIASTRES / 2000-1421 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 5 piastres 2004
5 piastres 2004 (2000- )

nickel plated steel
5 / FIVE PIASTRES / 2004-1425 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Value - <1 USD



coin Jordan 1 qirsh 2000
1 qirsh 2000

copper plated steel
Islamic date left, Christian date right
1 / ONE QIRSH / 1421-2000 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Value - 30-40 USD


coin Jordan 1 qirsh 2011
1 qirsh 2011 (2000- )

copper plated steel
Christian date left, Islamic date right
1 / ONE QIRSH / 2011-1432 / THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Value at left within lines with date above and written value at lower right
Value - <1 USD





Coins of Jordan in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The cost of the coin is approximate and is indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture. You can use this price to evaluate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as the state of preservation and the date of minting. The cost of coins of the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving copies.
Coins of Jordan presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.