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Arabic coins identifier

In this article we are talking about modern Arabic coins (XX-XXI century), because ancient Arabic coins has very many variations.
I made a small tablet with the most characteristic images on Arabic coins. The country name is a link to the corresponding page of the site.


By the images

Afghanistan coin Afghanistancoin Afghanistan coin Afghanistan
Bahrain coin Bahrain
Egypt old coins (till 1953) coin Egyptcoin Egypt coin Egypt coin Egypt
Egypt modern coins coin Egyptcoin Egypt coin Egypt coin Egypt coin Egypt
Iraq coin Iraqcoin Iraq coin Iraq coin Iraq
Iran old coins (till 1979) coin Irancoin Iran
Iran modern coins coin Irancoin Iran
Morocco coin Moroccocoin Morocco coin Morocco
Oman Coin OmanCoin Oman
Pakistan Coin PakistanCoin Pakistan Coin Pakistan
Saudi Arabia Coin Saudi ArabiaCoin Saudi Arabia Coin Saudi Arabia
Syria Coin SyriaCoin Syria Coin Syria Coin Syria
Sudan Coin SudanCoin Sudan Coin Sudan
Tunisia Coin TunisiaCoin Tunisia Coin Tunisia Coin Tunisia Coin Tunisia
Turkey Ottoman Empire Coin OttomanCoin Ottoman Coin Ottoman
Turkey Republic Coin Turkey
Yemen Coin YemenCoin Yemen Coin Yemen


The cost of Arabic coins can be viewed in the catalog.



By the country

If you can't to determine the coin, look at the coins of all Arab countries - there are not so many.



Iran old coins (till 1979)
Iran modern coins
Qatar and Dubai
Saudi Arabia
South Arabia
Turkey Ottoman Empire
Turkey Republic
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Republic
Yemen South (Democratic Republic)



Egypt old coins (till 1953)
Egypt modern coins
Maldives Islands



Dating of Arabic coins

It is much easier with Arabic numerals than with Arabic writing - it’s not for nothing that the numbers we are using called Arabic. In fact, the outline of the numbers is different, but the principle of the formation of numbers is the same.
Here are the Arabic numbers in order:

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
arabic digitsarabic digits

The second row is the Persian numbers (Iran), they are somewhat different.
In principle, everything is simple - we can to determinate where the denomination on the coin.
Arabic numbers, unlike Arabic writing, are read in the usual way for us - from left to right. Accordingly, 2019 written like this - ٢٠١٩
But the problem is that the calendar in the Arabic countries is different, and it is not even the same everywhere.
The Muslim calendar is called the Hijra and is conducted from the date of the relocation (which is Arabic is the Hijra) of the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina - this happened in 622 according to the Gregorian calendar. But, the Islamic year consists of 12 lunar (not solar) months, each of which contains 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes. To get the year of the Gregorian calendar simply by adding 622 to the year of the Hijra will not work.
There is a special formula - Year of Hijra * 0.97 + 621.6 = Year of the Gregorian Calendar. For example, the year 1400 AH, widely celebrated, incl. on coins, this is 1400 * 0.97 = 1358 +621.6 = 1979.6. Here is another problem - the Muslim year never definitely corresponds to the Christian one. In this case, 1400 - this can be both 1979 and 1980 (the second option is more common).
And again, not so simple. :)
The coins of the Ottoman Empire (as well as in its dependent countries - Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia) indicated not the date of coinage, but the year of ascent sultan to the throne and the year of his rule.

coin 5 kurush 1833
Turkey 5 kurus 1833.
Below 1223 - the year of the beginning of the reign, above 26 - the year of the reign. Since the first year of the Sultan's rule was precisely the first, and not zero - 1223 + 26-1 = 1832.1


This is the date of the coins of most Arabic countries. But not all countries.
Since 1922, the solar Hijra has been used in Afghanistan. Chronology starts from the same year 622, but years consist of "sunny" months. Accordingly, to get the date according to the Gregorian calendar, you need to add 621 to the year of solar Hijra (in fact, there is an amendment of +1 year, if the date is before March 21, but this is not determinable for coins).
Iran since 1925 to 1976 and then, since 1978 to the present time, also lives on a solar Hijra.
From 1976 to 1978, Iran was used a more exotic calendar - monarchic. Its beginning was considered the date of founding the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great in 559. This calendar is also based on the solar years, but this is not too significant, from it was used only for 3 years - 1976 (2535), 1977 (2536) and 1978 (2537).