Index » World coins » America » Argentina » Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires coins catalog with values online

Provinces of Buenos Aires (1822-1861)

Real=10 decimos

2 reales 1840-1844

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 2 reales 1844copper
31.0-32.0 mm.
6.00-8.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1840, 1844
Face value inside the wreath / 2 R_s / VIVA LA FEDERACION / year of minting
Face value inside the wreath / DOS REALES / BUENOS-AYRES / CASA DE MONEDA
Value in condition "F" - US$40-60


2 reales 1853-1856

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 2 reales 1854copper
31.0-32.0 mm.
6.00-8.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1853, 1854, 1855, 1856
Face value inside the wreath / 2 / PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AYRES
Date inside the wreath / DOS REALES / CASA DE MONEDA / year of minting
Value in condition "F" - US$20-40


2 reales 1860-1861

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 2 reales 1860copper
32.2 mm.
6.97 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1860, 1861
Face value inside the wreath / 2 R.s / BUENOS AYRES / BANCO Y CASA DE MONEDA
Face value inside the wreath / DOS REALES / year of minting
Value in condition "F" - US$20-40


2 reales 1861

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 2 reales 1861copper
32.1 mm.
6.97 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
Face value inside the wreath / 2 R.s / BUENOS AYRES / BANCO Y CASA DE MONEDA
Face value and date inside the wreath / DOS REALES / year of minting
Value in condition "F" - US$40-60



20 decimos

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 20 decimos 1827copper
31.0-36.0 mm.
16.00-38.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1827, 1830, 1831
Face value inside the small circle inside the wreath / 20 DECIM; BANCO NACIONAL / BUENOS AYRES year of minting
Phoenix of pie frontal en llamas / ARDESCIT ET VIRESCIT
Value in condition "F" - US$50-100



1 real 1840

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 1 real 1840copper
26.0-27.0 mm.
3.00-4.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
Face value inside the wreath / 1 R / VIVA LA FEDERACION / year of minting
Face value inside the wreath / UN REAL / BUENOS-AYRES / CASA DE MONEDA
Value in condition "F" - US$20-30


1 real 1854

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 1 real 1854copper
26.0-27.0 mm.
4.00-5.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
Face value inside the wreath / 1 / PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AYRES
Face value inside the wreath / UN REAL / CASA DE MONEDA / year of minting
Value in condition "VF" - US$150-200



10 decimos

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 10 decimos 1827copper
28.0-32.0 mm.
12.00-15.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1827, 1828, 1830
Face value inside the small circle inside the wreath / 10 DECIM / BANCO NACIONAL; BUENOS AYRES year of minting
Phoenix of pie frontal en llamas / ARDESCIT ET VIRESCIT
Value in condition "F" - US$200-300



5/10 real 1827-1831

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 5/10 real 1831copper
22.0-28.0 mm.
4.50-8.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1827, 1828, 1830, 1831
Face value inside shaded circle / 5/10 / BANCO NACIONAL
Date inside the wreath / BUENOS AYRES / year of minting
Value in condition "F" - US$20-30


5/10 real 1840

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 5/10 real 1840copper
22.0-23.0 mm.
2.50 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
Face value inside the wreath / 5/10; VIVA LA FEDERACION / year of minting
Face value inside the wreath / MEDIO / BUENOS AYRES / CASA DE MONEDA
Value in condition "VF" - US$50-100



1/4 real

Argentina coin Buenos Aires 1/4 real 1827copper
20.0 mm.
3.00-3.50 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
Face value inside shaded circle / 1/4 / BANCO NACIONAL
Date inside the wreath / BUENOS AYRES 1827
Value in condition "VF" - US$50-100



1 decimo

Argentina coin Buenos Aires decimo 1823copper
23.5 mm.
6.00-7.00 grams
Edge: plain
Years of mintage:
1822, 1823
Date and denomination inside the wreath / UN DECIMO / BUENOS AYRES / year of minting
Arms with 1/2 radiant sun above inside the wreath / -
Value in condition "VF" - US$30-40





Costs of Provinces of Buenos Aires coins in this catalog approximate and indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture.
I do not buy or sell coins - this is just a catalog.