Index » World coins » Africa » Zanzibar


Zanzibar coins catalog with values online


Vasco da Gama's expedition, which was looking for a route to India, discovered Zanzibar in 1499. In 1505, it officially became a colony of Portugal. The Portuguese were not too interested in the new possession, as Zanzibar had no useful resources, little local population and no economic value to the island.

In 1698, the Portuguese were driven out by the Omani army. Zanzibar became the appanage of the younger branch of the Omani ruling dynasty. The island became a center of the slave and ivory trade.

In 1861, with British support, Zanzibar became an independent sultanate.
In 1876, the British abolished slavery in all their colonies. The Sultan of Zanzibar, heavily dependent on the Empire, was forced to accept British rule, but the clandestine slave trade continued.
In 1890 Zanzibar became a British protectorate.

On August 25, 1896, the next Sultan of Zanzibar (Seyyid Khalid ibn Bargash al-Busaid) died. On the same day there was a military coup and the brother of the previous sultan came to power. This did not please the British, who wanted to promote their protégé to sultan, so the new sultan ruled for less than two days and was ousted in the shortest war in world history, which lasted 38 minutes on August 27. The Sultan's forces lost over 500 soldiers and the entire fleet (to the tune of one yacht). The British had one officer slightly wounded.

After this, Zanzibar was fully controlled by Britain, but the Sultans continued to be regarded as rulers.

On December 10, 1963 Zanzibar declared independence, on January 12, 1964 the Sultan was overthrown, and on November 1, 1964 Zanzibar became part of the United Republic of Tanzania.



Sultanate of Zanzibar (1861-1964)

Zanzibar Rupee=64 paisa

Barghash Ibn Said (1870-1888)

coin Zanzibar 1 paisa 1882
1 paisa 1882

Coin value - 10-15 USD


coin Zanzibar 1 paisa 1887
1 paisa 1887

Coin value - 7-12 USD






Coins of Zanzibar in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The value of the coins is approximate. Most often, it is simply the price for which I once bought this particular coin. You can use it to estimate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as condition and minting date. The price of coins of even the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving examples.
Coins of Zanzibar presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.