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Mughal Empire

Mughal Empire, state in medieval India, named after the Mughal dynasty that ruled there.
It was founded by Babur, the former emir of Ferghana and ruler of Kabul, who in 1526 invaded the Delhi Sultanate, defeated the troops of its ruler Ibrahim Shah of the Lodi dynasty at the Battle of Panipat, occupied Delhi and declared himself sultan. Before his death Babur divided the territory of his power, occupying the areas of Eastern Afghanistan, Punjab (Panjab) and the Ganges valley up to Bengal, among his sons. Humayun inherited the Indian dominions proper from his father in 1530. He conquered Malwa and Gujarat, but was defeated at Chausa (1539) and Kanauja (1540) by the ruler of Bihar, Sher Shah of the Sur family, and fled to Iran.

Having seized power, Sher-shah took steps to strengthen the unity of the state and the position of the central authority, carried out a census of lands, organized taxation. In connection with the struggle for the throne that began after the death of Sher Shah, Humayun captured Kabul in 1545 with the help of Persian troops, and in 1555 defeated the army of one of Sher Shah's successors, Sikandar Shah, and seized Delhi.

The Mogul Empire reached its greatest prosperity and centralization during the reign of Akbar. After defeating his strongest rival Hemu at the Battle of Panipat in 1556 and establishing himself on the throne, Akbar reformed the system of state administration by introducing the Mansabdari system of rank. His viceroys began to receive allowances from the treasury or jagirs (land holdings), on the income from which they were obliged to maintain military detachments. He pursued a policy of religious tolerance, which contributed to the consolidation of the state. He strengthened ties with the Rajput principalities.
Under him, the Mogul Empire covered the territory from Balkh in the north to the Godavari River in the south and from the Arabian Sea in the west to the Bay of Bengal in the east and was a centralized state, headed by the Padishah, who was also the supreme owner of land.
In his hands was concentrated the full extent of legislative, administrative, military and judicial power. The territory of the Mughal Empire was divided into viceroyalties - sub-districts, headed by subadars.
The dominant form of land tenure was jagir, zamindari and land tenure of Muslim and Hindu clergy (wakf, soyurgal) were also widespread.

Akbar's son Jahangir continued his father's conquest policy: he defeated the ruler of Ahmadnagar (1616) and annexed Kangra to the Mogul Empire (1620), but lost territories in Afghanistan (including Kandahar). Shah Jahan's reign was marked by successes against the rajas of the Deccan. In 1636 Ahmadnagar became part of the Mughal Empire, and in 1638 the fortress of Kandahar was returned. In 1646 Shah Jahan subjugated Balkh and Badakhshan, but in the following years suffered a number of defeats from Safavids and in 1647 lost Balkh, and in 1649 - Kandahar.

In 1658 Shah Jahan was overthrown by Aurangzeb, under whom the Mogul Empire began to expand again. To cover military expenses Aurangzeb increased taxes and resumed jizya. His policy of religious intolerance caused a number of uprisings of non-Muslim population of the Mughal Empire (Jats in Delhi and Agra, Sikhs in Punjab, Satnami sect in Northern Rajputana).
The Maratha movement led by Shivaji, which led to the emergence of the Maratha Confederation, finally undermined the power of the Mughal Empire.
During this period, the influence of the British East India Company increased significantly in the Mughal Empire, whose strongholds were on the west coast in 1613-1616. Surat, from 1668 - Bombay (now Mumbai), on the east coast - from 1639 Madras (now Chennai), in Bengal - from 1690 Calcutta (now Kolkata).

In the 2nd half of the 18th century the disintegration of the Mogul Empire continued. Nominally recognized as the rulers of the state, the Mughal padishahs actually ruled only small territories adjacent to Delhi and Agra. Along with the principalities headed by the Maratha dynasties of Bhosle (Nagpur), Sindia or Shinde (Gwaliyar), Holkar (Indore), Gaekwad (Baroda or Vadodara), Bengal, Aud, Rohilkhand, Deccan (Principality of Hyderabad) were separated from the Mughal Empire, and in the south the nawabstvo of Arkat (Karnatic) and the Principality of Mysore emerged. Delhi was repeatedly plundered by the troops of Persian Nadir Shah (1739) and Afghan Ahmad Shah Durrani (in 1748, 1750, 1752, 1757).

In the mid-18th century, the British East India Company began territorial seizures in the Mogul Empire. In 1757-1764 it subjugated Bengal, by 1799 it conquered Mysore as a result of the Anglo-Maratha wars, then as a result of the Anglo-Maratha wars it conquered the Maratha principalities and obtained the consent of the Padishah to administer the territories under his authority on his behalf. The British East India Company annexed Sindh in 1843, Punjab in 1849, then annexed the principalities of Sambalpur (1849), Nagpur and Jhansi (1853), Hyderabad (1853), and Aud (1856). In 1858, in accordance with the British Act for the Better Government of India, the Mughal Empire was abolished and power completely transferred to the British Crown.



Mughal Rupee

Muhammad Shah (1717-1748)

coin Mughal Empire 1 dam 17 (24-33)
1 dam 17 (24-33)

Coin value - 8-12 USD







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