Index » World coins » America » Costa Rica


Coins of Costa Rica - catalog with values

Republic of Costa Rica

Reform 1864
Peso=100 centavos (1864-1896)

coin Costa Rica 5 centavos 1875
5 centavos 1875 (1865-1875)

5 C / AMERICA CENTRAL / Tree divides denomination
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1875 / National coat of arms
~ 15-20 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centavos 1889
5 centavos 1889 (1889-1892)

5 CENTAVOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1889 / National coat of arms
~ 5-7 USD



Reform 1897
Colon=100 centimos (1897-1916)

coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1910
10 centimos 1910 (1905-1914)

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / 900 M G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1910 / National coat of arms
~ 7-12 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1914
5 centimos 1914 (1905-1914)

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / 900 M G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1914 / National coat of arms
~ 5-7 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 centimos 1903
2 centimos 1903

2 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1903 / Denomination and date
~ 40-60 USD



Reform 1917
Colon=100 centavos (1917-1919)

coin Costa Rica 10 centavos 1917
10 centavos 1917

10 CENTAVOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / 500 G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1917 / National coat of arms
~ 60-80 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centavos 1919
10 centavos 1919 (1917-1919)

10 CENTAVOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1919 / National coat of arms
~ 6-10 USD



coin Costa Rica 5 centavos 1919
5 centavos 1919 (1917-1919)

5 CENTAVOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1919 / National coat of arms
~ 40-60 USD



Reform 1920
Colon=100 centimos

coin Costa Rica 1000 colones 1987
1000 colones 1987

commemorative coin
President Arias - Laureate of Nobel Peace Prize
PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ / DR. OSCAR ARIAS S. PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA / 1986-1190 / Head of President Dr. Oscar Arias S
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / LEY 0.925 / B.C.C.R. MIL COLONES 1987 / National coat of arms
~ 40-50 USD



coin Costa Rica 500 colones 2005
500 colones 2005 (2003, 2005)

brass plated steel
circulation coinage
500 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2005 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 500 colones 2007
500 colones 2007 (2006- )

brass plated steel
500 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2007 / National coat of arms
~ 2-3 USD



coin Costa Rica 500 colones 2000
500 colones 2000

commemorative coin
50th Anniversary of Central Bank
500 COLONES / Bank building, value below
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2000 / National coat of arms
~ 5-7 USD



coin Costa Rica 100 colones 1995
100 colones 1995

brass plated steel
circulation coinage
100 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1995 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 100 colones 1997
100 colones 1997 (1997-1998)

circulation coinage
100 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1997 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 100 colones 1999
100 colones 1999

circulation coinage
100 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1999 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 100 colones 2000
100 colones 2000

circulation coinage
100 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2000 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 100 colones 2007
100 colones 2007 (2006- )

brass plated steel
100 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2007 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 100 colones 1979
100 colones 1979

commemorative coin
International Year of Child
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / B.C. CIEN COLONES C.R. / National coat of arms
ANO INTERNACIONAL DEL NINO 1979 / Three birds in nest, date below
~ 35-40 USD



coin Costa Rica 50 colones 1997
50 colones 1997

50 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1997 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 colones 1999
50 colones 1999

small letters in legend
50 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1999 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 colones 2002
50 colones 2002

coat of arms modified
50 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2002 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 colones 2007
50 colones 2007 (2006- )

brass plated steel
50 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2007 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 25 colones 1995
25 colones 1995

brass plated steel
25 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1995 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 colones 2005
25 colones 2005 (2001-2005)

coat of arms modified
25 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2005 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 colones 2007
25 colones 2007 (2007- )

brass plated steel
25 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2007 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 20 colones 1983
20 colones 1983 (1983, 1994)

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters relief on ribbon, date larger
20 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1983 / National coat of arms
~ 1-2 USD


coin Costa Rica 20 colones 1985
20 colones 1985

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters incuse on ribbon, date smaller
20 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1985 / National coat of arms
~ 1-2 USD



coin Costa Rica 20 colones 1975
20 colones 1975

commemorative coin
25th Anniversary of Central Bank
ANNIVERSARIO DEL BANCO CENTRAL 1950 1975 / Flowers divide dates
~ 5-6 USD



coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1992
10 colones 1992 (1983, 1993)

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters relief on ribbon, date larger
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1992 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1985
10 colones 1985

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters incuse on ribbon, date smaller
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1985 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1995
10 colones 1995

brass plated steel
circulation coinage
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1995 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1997
10 colones 1997

circulation coinage
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1997 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1999
10 colones 1999

circulation coinage
small letters in legend
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1999 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 2002
10 colones 2002

circulation coinage
coat of arms modified
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2002 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 2008
10 colones 2008 (2005-2008)

circulation coinage
10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2008 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 colones 2012
10 colones 2012 (2012- )

10 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2012 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 10 colones 1975
10 colones 1975

commemorative coin
25th Anniversary of Central Bank
ANNIVERSARIO DEL BANCO CENTRAL 1950-1975 / Dates above tree at center
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / B.C. DIEZ COLONES C.R. / National coat of arms
~ 3-5 USD



coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1993
5 colones 1993 (1983, 1985, 1993)

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters relief on ribbon, date larger
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1993 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1985
5 colones 1985

stainless steel
circulation coinage
letters incuse on ribbon, date smaller
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
COSTA RICA 1985 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1995
5 colones 1995

brass plated steel
circulation coinage
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1995 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1997
5 colones 1995

circulation coinage
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1997 / National coat of arms
~ 1-2 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1999
5 colones 1999

circulation coinage
small letters in legend
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1999 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 2001
5 colones 2001

circulation coinage
coat of arms modified
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2001 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 2005
5 colones 2005 (2005-2008)

circulation coinage
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2005 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 colones 2012
5 colones 2012 (2012- )

another '5'
5 COLONES / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2012 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 5 colones 1975
5 colones 1975

commemorative coin
25th Anniversary of Central Bank
ANNIVERSARIO DEL BANCO CENTRAL 1950-1975 / Plants with two dates at right
~ 3-5 USD



coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1948
2 colones 1948

2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1948 / National coat of arms
~ 2-3 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1954
2 colones 1954

stainless steel
letters incuse on ribbon
2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1954 / National coat of arms
~ 2-4 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1961
2 colones 1961

2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1961 / National coat of arms
~ 4-6 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1978
2 colones 1978 (1968-1978)

2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1978 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1982
2 colones 1982 (1982-1983)

stainless steel
letters incuse on ribbon
2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1982 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 2 colones 1984
2 colones 1984

stainless steel
letters relief on ribbon
2 COLONES / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1984 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD



coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1935
1 colon 1935

1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.I.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1935 / National coat of arms
~ 10-15 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1948
1 colon 1948 (1937, 1948)

1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1948 / National coat of arms
~ 2-3 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1954
1 colon 1954

stainless steel
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1954 / National coat of arms
~ 2-4 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1961
1 colon 1961

5 stars in shield
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1961 / National coat of arms
~ 3-4 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1974
1 colon 1974 (1968-1978)

7 stars in shield
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1974 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1975
1 colon 1975 (1972, 1975)

Ship larger
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1975 / National coat of arms
~ 2-3 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1977
1 colon 1977 (1976-1977)

1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1977 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1984
1 colon 1984 (1982-1984, 1991)

stainless steel
letters incuse on ribbon
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1984 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1989
1 colon 1989 (1984, 1989, 1991, 1994)

stainless steel
letters relief on ribbon
1 COLON / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA / 1989 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 1 colon 1998
1 colon 1998

1 COLON / B.C.C.R / Denomination above sprays
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1998 / National coat of arms
~ 5-6 USD



coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1923
50 centimos 1923

Counterstamp on 25 centavos 1890
50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1890 / 1923 / National coat of arms
~ 25-30 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1935
50 centimos 1935

50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.I.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1935 / National coat of arms
~ 3-5 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1937
50 centimos 1937 (1937, 1948)

50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1937 / National coat of arms
~ 3-5 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1965
50 centimos 1965

50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1965 / National coat of arms
~ 2-4 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1970
50 centimos 1970 (1968-1978)

Large "50"
50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1970 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1972
50 centimos 1972 (1972, 1975)

Other "50"
50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1972 / National coat of arms
~ 1-2 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1983
50 centimos 1983 (1982, 1983, 1990)

stainless steel
large ship, letters incuse on ribbon
50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1983 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 50 centimos 1984
50 centimos 1984 (1984, 1990)

stainless steel
small ship,letters relief on ribbon
50 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1984 / National coat of arms
~1 USD



coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1924
25 centimos 1924

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / 650 M G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1924 / National coat of arms
~ 6-7 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1935
25 centimos 1935

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.I.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1935 / National coat of arms
~ 4-6 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1948
25 centimos 1948 (1937, 1948)

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1948 / National coat of arms
~ 1-2 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1944
25 centimos 1944 (1944-1946)

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1944 / National coat of arms
~ 4-6 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1974
25 centimos 1974 (1967-1978)

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1974 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1980
25 centimos 1980

nickel clad steel
25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1980 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1982
25 centimos 1982

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1982 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 25 centimos 1983
25 centimos 1983 (1983-1989)

25 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1983 / National coat of arms
~1 USD



coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1920
10 centimos 1920 (1920-1922)

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1920 / National coat of arms
~ 4-5 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1929
10 centimos 1929

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1929 / National coat of arms
~ 4-7 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1941
10 centimos 1941 (1936, 1941)

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1941 / National coat of arms
~ 5-10 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1946
10 centimos 1946 (1942-1947)

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1946 / National coat of arms
~ 3-5 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1951
10 centimos 1951

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1951 / National coat of arms
~ 4-6 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1958
10 centimos 1958 (1953-1967)

stainless steel
5 stars in the shield
10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1958 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1976
10 centimos 1976 (1969, 1976)

7 stars in the shield, small "10"
10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1976 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1972
10 centimos 1972 (1972, 1975)

7 stars in the shield, large "10"
10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1972 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1979
10 centimos 1979

nickel clad steel
10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1979 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 10 centimos 1982
10 centimos 1982

10 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1982 / National coat of arms
~1 USD



coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1936
5 centimos 1936 (1920-1941)

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1936 / National coat of arms
~ 4-6 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1929
5 centimos 1929

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1929 / National coat of arms
~ 20-30 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1942
5 centimos 1942

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / G.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1942 / National coat of arms
~ 20-30 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1947
5 centimos 1947 (1942-1947)

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.N.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1947 / National coat of arms
~ 2-3 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1951
5 centimos 1951

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1951 / National coat of arms
~ 4-8 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1958
5 centimos 1958 (1953-1967)

stainless steel
5 stars in the shield
5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1958 / National coat of arms
~1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1976
5 centimos 1976 (1969-1978)

shield and legends smaller
5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1976 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1972
5 centimos 1972 (1972-1976)

shield and legends larger
5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1972 / National coat of arms
~ <1 USD


coin Costa Rica 5 centimos 1979
5 centimos 1979

5 CENTIMOS / AMERICA CENTRAL / B.C.C.R / Denomination within wreath
REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1979 / National coat of arms
~1 USD





Costs of Costa Rica coins in this catalog approximate and indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture.
I do not buy or sell coins - this is just a catalog.