Chola coins catalog with values online
Empire of Chola
The earliest mention of the Chola principality in the valley of the Indian river Kaveri dates back to the reign of King Ashoka, i.e. to the 3rd century BC.
Besides Chola, there were two other major Tamil states in southern Hindustan - Pallava and Pandya. All three dynasties were related by blood, but each of these ruling houses dreamed of total victory over their rivals. A particularly fierce struggle for power over the Tamil south erupted in the ninth century. A long and bloody war broke out between the Pallava and Pandya states. The Chola ruler Vijayalaya was considered a vassal of the Pallava prince, but he decided to take advantage of the fortunate circumstances and declared Chola independence. He made the city of Thanjavur, captured from the Pallavas, the new capital of his state. And while the Pallavas and Pandyas continued to kill each other, he made plans to capture the entire south of Hindustan, including the island of Sri Lanka. He never managed to do it, but partly his dream was realized by his son Aditya, an excellent strategist, who in 897 became the sole ruler of all Tamil southern India, and his son Parantaka conquered Sri Lanka.
The Chola empire became an empire in 985, when the state included not only Tamil lands. King Raja-raja I came to power in Chola and expanded his possessions in the northeast by capturing Kalinga. He also managed to capture the entire Malabar coast including the Maldives and Laccadive Islands.
Under his son Rajendra, Chola armies reached as far north as the Ganges, captured Odisha and Bengal, and the maharaja established a new capital with the unpronounceable name Gangaikondacholapuram, which translates as "the city of the Chola who conquered the Ganges".
The officially recognized date of the fall of the Cholas is 1279, when the remnants of the empire were absorbed into the kingdom of Pandya. Under the last maharajas, the Chola lands were shaken by natural disasters causing widespread famine as well as riots. From the beginning of the 13th century, rebellions were waged for one purpose - to throw off the power of the Cholas, who were no longer considered "Great Cholas" by anyone, because, indeed, they were not direct descendants of Vijayalai. The last Chola emperor is considered to be Rajendra III, as no coronation after 1279 is known, nor the existence of the Chola Empire itself. The Chola Empire is succeeded by the Pandya Empire.
Raja Raja Cholan I (985-1014)

dirham no date
Coin value - 5-8 USD
Coins of Chola in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The value of the coins is approximate. Most often, it is simply the price for which I once bought this particular coin. You can use it to estimate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as condition and minting date. The price of coins of even the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving examples.
Coins of Chola presented on this page are not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.