Tetricus I and II coins Roman Imperial catalog


Tetricus came from an aristocratic Gallic family, as indicated, among other things, by his name Ezuvius. He was summoned to rule by Victoria in early 271, when the "Gallic Empire" was actually falling apart. The border regions were constantly being disturbed by the Germanics, and there were rebellions in the interior by both disgruntled legions and locals.

Almost immediately Tetricus declared his son (also Tetricus) Caesar and then Augustus. The doubled G in the abbreviation AVGG on the coins means just that there are two Augustuses.

Most likely, Tetricus did not need power. It weighed him down and he agreed only thanks to the promises and entreaties of Victoria.

It does not seem that Tetricus was a capable commander or respected by the soldiers. He had to give away money frequently to stay in power, but this did not prevent rebellions and attempts on his life.
He was unable to stop the devastating Germanic raids. Small landowners, who suffered the most from this, joined the revolt of the Bagauds.
Sources say that Tetricus, weary under the burden of problems, appealed to the Roman Emperor Claudius of Gotha with a request to take Gaul under his control. But, whether Claudius was not interested in Gaul in principle, or whether the agreement was being prepared, but was prevented by the premature death of Claudius II.

Claudius' successor, Aurelianus, was a different kind of man. Apparently, he waited for more submission, and in the meantime he took Narbona Gaul. An inscription with the name of the prefect of the Praetorium Placidianus was found near Grenoble and dates back to about 274. Apparently it was there when the border between the Roman and Gallic empires was located.

Another rebellion against the Gallic emperor was raised by Faustin, governor of Belgica province, and the matter went so far that Tetricus had to leave the capital of Augusta of Trever.

Tetricus declared his willingness to submit to the Emperor and was guaranteed life, status and even property. The two emperors led armies to the Catalaunian Fields and there Tetricus surrendered, thus ending the history of the Gallic Empire. The fact that the Gallic army suspected nothing and were actually going to fight, and the emperor essentially betrayed them, doesn't really color him.

Tetricus and his son participated in Aurelian's triumph as prisoners, but they did well from there. The Emperor did not cheat - he appointed Tetricus governor of Aucania and returned his wealth to him. It seems that it was then that Tetricus himself and his son became senators.


Emperor Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus I (271-274)

coin Roman Empire Tetricus Iantoninianus

Antoninianus 272-273
18 mm.
Bust right, in radiate crown and draped armor / Emperor Caesar Tetricus Pious Happy Augustus
Virtus, holding spear and shield / Virtus of Augustus
Coin value - $10-20



coin Roman Empire Tetricus Iantoninianus

Antoninianus 271-274
17 mm.
Bust right, in radiate crown and armor / Emperor Tetricus Pious Happy Augustus
Laetitia holding wreath and anchor / Laetitia of August
Coin value - $10-20



Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus II

coin Roman Empire Tetricus IIantoninianus

Antoninianus 273-274
18 mm.
Draped bust right, in radiate crown / Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus Caesar
Accessories for the sacrifice / Pietas of August
Coin value - $10-20






Coins of Tetricus I and II in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The cost of the coin is approximate and is indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture. You can use this price to evaluate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as the state of preservation. For coins of the Roman Empire, the place of minting (the mint) may be important. The cost of coins of the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving copies.
Coins of Tetricus I and II presented on this page are not for sale or purchase - this is only a catalogue.
See other coins of Imperial Rome.