Procopius coins Roman Imperial catalog

Emperor Procopius (365-366)

Procopius was born in Cilicia. He was a cousin of Julian the Apostate.
Under Constantius II, Procopius served as a notary, then as a tribune. Julian, having become emperor, entrusted Procopius with the command of a large detachment. It was said that Julian planned to make Procopius his successor. When Jovian became emperor after Julian's death in 363, Procopius did not try to fight for power.

When Jovian died a year later, Procopius fell into disfavor and fled to Tauria, but taking advantage of Valentus II's absence from the capital because of the war with Persia, he returned to Constantinople. The population was dissatisfied with the levies of Petronius, the Emperor's father-in-law, and the raids of the Goths in the Balkans. Legions, which used to be led by Procopius, proclaimed him emperor on September 26, 365. The usurper was supported by the municipal authorities, dissatisfied with the restriction of powers and leaders of pagans, who saw in him a continuer of Julian's work. However, the majority of senators remained loyal to Valentus.

Procopius quickly subdued the Balkan provinces and began negotiations on alliance with the Goths. Chalcedon, Bithynia and Nicea submitted to him.
Valentus besieged Chalcedon and Nicaea, but could not take them and retreated to Ancyra.

By the winter of 365 Procopius owned Bithynia and Hellespont. But the richest provinces remained under the control of Valentus, so there was not enough money. Procopius began to confiscate the property of those rich Romans who did not support him, but by this he turned the rest of the aristocrats against him.



coin Roman Empire Procopius

18 mm.
Bust right in draped armor and diadem / Our Lord Procopius Pious Happy Augustus
Emperor standing, holds labarum and shield / Returning of Happy Times
Value - $150-200









Coins of Procopius in the catalog are presented divided by historical periods, indicating the main characteristics and differences by type.
Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
The cost of the coin is approximate and is indicated specifically for the coin shown in the picture. You can use this price to evaluate similar coins (of the same type), but remember that the value is affected by many factors, such as the state of preservation. For coins of the Roman Empire, the place of minting (the mint) may be important. The cost of coins of the same type can vary greatly depending on the number of surviving copies.
Coins of Procopius presented on this page are not for sale or purchase - this is only a catalogue.
See other coins of Imperial Rome.