Clodius Albinus coins Roman Imperial catalog

Decimus Clodius Septimius Albinus as Caesar (193-196)

Clodius Albinus was a native of the province of Africa, and from about 190 viceroy of Britain.
Emperor Septimius Severus adopted Albinus in 193 and made him Caesar (i.e. junior co-emperor). At the same time, they were almost the same age and hardly ever met.

When in the spring of 193 it became known about the murder of Pertinax in Rome and the purchase of the imperial title by Julian, in different parts of the empire the troops proclaimed their military leaders as emperors: Britannia - Clodius Albinus (some researchers believe that this did not happen), Danubian legions - Septimius Severus, Syrian - Pescennius Niger.

Apparently, Clodius Albinus realized that he had less chance in the inevitable strife, so he willingly accepted Severus' offer. Over the next two years, Albinus did not exactly help him in his war with Niger (which would have been difficult, given the remoteness of Britain), but did not support his opponents.

Having defeated Pescennius Niger the Severus stopped pretending to regard Clodius Albinus as a co-emperor. The latter was a potential danger, as he remained the only worthy rival, especially since the Severus had alienated many by his unprecedented cruelty in the war.

The Severus sent assassins to Albin, but their plot was discovered and Clodius Albin learned of the malice. In January 196, he proclaimed himself Augustus, that is, equal to the Severus . Albinus is the first to receive the imperial title on the island, which is important to the British.

Albinus' three legions entered Gaul, where they were warmly welcomed by the local population. Lugdun (Lyon) and Lutetia (Paris) opened the gates without resistance. Albin was supported by one of the viceroys of Spain

On February 19, 197 in the vicinity of Lugdum two armies with a total of more than 150 thousand men, led personally by the emperors, converged. What is interesting, actually Romans there were very few. On one side fought soldiers of Britain, Gaul and Spain, on the other - Danubian Illyria. In the end, the Severus won, Clodius Albinus died, and Lugdum literally wiped off the face of the earth.Killed also Albinus's wife and his sons. The severed head of Clodius Albinus was sent to Rome and put on public display.

What was Clodius Albinus, as a man, it is difficult to say. Judging by the official historiography, he is literally woven of vices, but this is a clear exaggeration, if not a direct lie. The biography of Septimius Severus is recognized as one of the most falsified in Roman history, and the characterization of his opponent is sometimes literally taken from the propaganda speeches of Severus himself. However, the fact that the much weaker military challenger still had many supporters suggests that he was seen as a better alternative.



coin Roman Empire Clodius Albinusdenarius

Denarius 194
18 mm.
Bare head right / Decimus Clodius Septimius Albinus Caesar
Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and scepter / Felicitas, Consul 2 times
Coin value - $120-150






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Inside the sections, the coins are sorted by denomination - from large to small.
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Coins of Clodius Albinus presented on this page are not for sale or purchase - this is only a catalogue.
See other coins of Imperial Rome.